Cultures and Social Classes

 It's amazing just how many cultures there are on the Earth. Not only cultures in countries but as well as cultures in families. Each family is unique in their own way and so is every individual within the family. Not only are we different in our own personalities, but also I believe where we grow up and live plays a big role in the culture we claim. I wouldn't necessarily say we claim culture, but more that we become like a certain group of people. In a way, we are given a label.

In society, these groups are considered social classes. It's amazing to see how social classes have changed over time. We think back to the 1800s when there were basically two different societies. Upper class and lower class. We see in families that those who were in the upper class were more proper and sophisticated. The lower class was out working hard on their farms or in local shops.

Fast-forward 200 years, and it's a stark contrast to the social classes we have today. I don't think we could count the number of classes we have today. Yes, there are ranges of classes like lower, middle, and high. However, I think within these three social classes there are so many classes. We live in a society where we have so much access and control over the things we want and need. Some people go beyond their means just to prove that they are something more. These people typically are in serious debt but appear to be in a high class. This is one of the reasons why I don't think we can consider everyone in only three social classes.

In the world and especially in the United States, there is a big problem with judgment. Most people believe they need to be better than someone, or they often look to others in hopes of one day having as much as them. They think if only I had a Tesla, then I would be happy. The issue is they will always seek bigger and greater things because someone else will always have more than them. They will never have enough because what they really want is happiness, but things will not give them happiness. Family, relationships with others, centering God in our lives, living in the moment… this is what will bring them the happiness that they are looking for.

This is a type of culture that I see very prevalent in certain places within the United States. It's one that catches my eye because I find it so sad to watch our society give up the best things in life. It's sad to watch families choose phones over conversation. To essentially decide worldly things over that quality time. A common family culture is to have the lives of the family members centered upon one or two people within the family. In a way, almost establishing someone's life to center around. This creates division and from what I have seen and heard creates a lack of love for some individuals in the family.

With all of this being said, there are still plenty of families with a good wholesome culture. Typically, these families we can consider to be in more of a middle-class range. I actually love being able to observe these families in public. Each member of the family is included and loved in the way that is needed for that individual specifically.

It's so cool to watch cultures form within families. Of course, when it is a good healthy culture. It's cool to watch families unite and become greater together. As I watch other families it helps me decide what I want for my future family as well. What area do I want to live in, and what rules do I want to establish? The list goes on but one this is certain. I want the best for my family.

On that note go tell someone in your family you love them and I'll catch you all next week!




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