The Power of Time and All Eternity

I have always dreamed of getting married and sealed in a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This has been my dream and I used to pray for it every day as a child. A sealing is when a man and a woman are bound together in marriage but not just until death but forever. It is a promise you make with your spouse and with God. It is not just a light thing to take to heart but it is an important decision that will influence the rest of your life eternally.

These days we see many people falling away from the church. This is due to several different reasons but I think a big one is just the draw of the world. People see it as something fun and exciting. However, as a member of the church I have been taught that God's way is greater. This can be hard to comprehend with some aspects of the world but overall God's plan will bring us the greatest happiness. Part of that plan is finding someone to settle down with and get married for time and all eternity. As you are bound together it is a promise that you and your family will be together forever.

One thing that brings a lot of heartbreak to parents is when their children choose to leave the church. Most parents try everything they can to try and teach their children right and wrong. In the end, though, it is up to the child to decide how they want to live their life. So as this child falls away from the church the parents tend to think they did something wrong or they plead for their child to come back. This is a very hard thing for many families. Religion is deeply rooted within us and when a family member chooses to go against that it brings a lot of emotions. One promise that is made to families who are sealed is that they will be together forever. So even when a child falls away there is still a promise that as the parents live up to their covenants that child will be protected and will be brought back to the fold of God.

I am currently in the process of watching this happen in my own family. My brother has had some difficulties for a few years now within the church. We thought it had gone away when he got married but in a few years that marriage led to a divorce. Now, he is at home with my parents. I watch my mom and I see the sadness in her eyes and heart and she watches her son make choices that are not beneficial to his future. As with every good mom, she wants him to be happy and successful. However, he chooses to go against his divine potential. He chooses to make choices that hinder his progression and sometimes hurt other people. Although he still comes to church occasionally he has a hard time believing any of it. Nor does he have a great desire to be closer to God.

It has taken a toll on my family to try and figure out how to help him overcome this hard period in his life. Lots of worries and concerns have been expressed throughout my siblings but ultimately he has his agency. Knowing that we are sealed together brings a lot of comfort to me and I hope to my family as well. We love each other and want the best for one another so I am so grateful for this promise within our covenants.


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