The identity of families has been slowly changing for years. The biggest impact on families has been gender. This is something so essential. Literally, to create we have to have a MAN and a WOMAN. Simple as that. Sure, if you want to use some science, you can try to mix it up, but you will not have the necessary genes possible to create a child. I do not understand why this is so hard for people to realize. The process of changing your gender is not something that is possible. Yet, so many people are trying to these days and I will say it is not something from God. He gave us our bodies as a gift. We have our specific genders to help us create life and to help us reach our divine potential. We have roles for our gender.

According to the Family Proclamation, which is something that was written in 1995. Way before any of this random gender, furry identification stuff came out. The proclamation states that the role of women is to nurture children. To care for them and help raise them up in love. Nurturing implies many things. A common situation people think of is a stay – at home mom. Doing all the chores, making dinner, holding the babies. This is a way of nurturing. However, I think there are even more important ways to nurture children. Kids need to be brought up with love and support.

However, all kids need some form of discipline. I believe that nurturing implies raising your kids to their full potential. Teaching them life principles of working hard, good manners, being respectful. Depending on the culture, I'm is sure nurturing different. However, I think each mother uses love to teach her children. I think that is something we need more of these days is a deep abiding love. One that takes care of them but also tells them no. I think the phrase NO is becoming less and less common these days. It's like parents have less control over their kids because they don't want to say no. This leads to a disrespectful child, who thinks they can get away with whatever they want.

I could go on forever about the disrespect in the world, but I think there are better topics to cover.

For instance, the roles of males in families. Fathers are to protect, provide, and preside over the family. This is a big task to be in charge of aa s father. These roles take care of the family in a more physical way versus a mother who is in charge of taking the family in a more emotional mental way. The coolest part about parenthood and families is that if it is done right you can become a unit. No one is tasked with doing it alone. Even though mothers and fathers have roles assigned them, item does not mean that they cannot help each other. That's one of the best parts about family. With family, we can lift each other high and pull the slack where someone is struggling. A common thing now is for both the mother and father to have jobs to provide for the family. This is not a bad thing but a way to help one another is raising and rendering their children.

Families are essential to God's plan. To create offspring a man and a woman are needed. People will try to change who they are when in reality they are too focused on the way others view them. They change to create attention and to try to find a solution to feeling different from the world. The need to realize that we are all different in our own way and that's the beautiful part about being a child of God.


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