United As a Family

     Have you ever watched a movie where the whole family comes together to rally and support each other? When it takes the whole crew to accomplish something. One of the first ones that come to my mind is Cheaper By the Dozen. The family is going through a tough time but as they rally together slowly things are mended. All the siblings come together to find their brother who ran away. They needed everyone's help. There is great power in numbers.

    Now every family is different but each has power as they come together to accomplish something greater. It involves selflessness and commitment to each other. In my opinion, I think this concept of unity in the family is slowly starting to wear away in families. The world has become a very selfish place. People search for independence over unity and family. Now granted there are still plenty of people who want families and have that desire to share their lives with others. However, I think the concern is that as the world continues to worsen so do the values of families.

    Families are such a good influence in the world, and especially to us as individuals. It brings us structure and the support that is needed as we face trials in life. When we face problems in our life we feel more united with those who chose to help us. Personally, I feel as though I need to help my siblings whenever they are going through hard times. I believe that the family is the ultimate support system. Maybe it is the whole fact that we all share same the blood or that we have always been in each other's lives. Either way, there is great strength in the family.

    I think back to the hard times in my life. The ones who helped me the most were my parents and siblings. In my family, it is kind of a known concept that when someone is struggling within we pull together and find ways to support each other. Even though we all live all over the United States. If anyone were to say "I need help" or "I need you." Our family knows that we need to put aside some things and pay more attention to the person struggling. This is such an amazing feeling knowing that we have each other's backs. It is also so fun to unite together in this process. It takes all of us to help someone come out of the ruts of life. 

    An example of this process in my life is when I went through a really hard breakup. My family knew that I had gone back and forth with my interest in this boy. Most of my friends expressed their empathy and moved on and didn't want to hear about it. However, my siblings and my angelic mother were right there to support me. Checking up on me and talking things through. They never gave up on me and were patient as I sorted out life. I love having a family that I can turn to for support.

    As we lend each other support it unifies us. A quote I love by Aristotle is "The whole is greater than the sum of all its parts." Meaning that when we are a unit we can accomplish more than by ourselves. I think there is great power in coming together for a purpose. In the family, that purpose is to love and support each other. The power of love is one of the strongest on Earth. So you can imagine that as a family comes together they are a strong unit. Nothing can stop a family whose love is their main motivator. 

    Family is one of the greatest things on the Earth and as families become more united we can tackle the world's problems with greater strength and desire.

Catch ya next week friends!

-Lora Allred


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