The Art of Analysis

     This week I prepped my business by adding Google Analytics to my website. By doing this it is a way of tracking how long my customers spend on my website. It will help me to see what will be most intriguing to my customers in regard to what I am selling. Of course, to do this, it will come with a lot of trial and error to see what will work best but over time I hope to figure out what will drive more sales.

    This type of analysis can also be compared with how we live our lives. We go day by day trying to figure out the most effective and efficient way to do things. Then, slowly over time, we are able to perfect those tasks and add them to our skills. We also can compare this to our efforts in trying to be a better person daily. It takes time to figure out who we want to be and how we can best help others. Over time as we help others we are able to create friendships. There are so many ways to analyze our lives but I'm looking forward to this new attempt at analyzing my business.



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