Problems Bring us Closer

 Welcome to my blog friends!

    It's finally Spring and the weather is looking better! The sunshine is out and is bringing greater happiness to many people. Most people want sunshine in their lives. Not only physically in the weather but also in our thought patterns. It feels good to have everything working for our good, feeling alive and happy. However, in life, we are continually given new problems and difficulties. As much as we don't want them. These problems are what help strengthen us. They make us stronger, they help us grow, and we typically learn a lot from the hardest things in life. 

    A problem is defined as a situation that someone needs to deal with or overcome. For me, I have plenty of problems that have come up in my life. Usually, some of the hardest problems revolve around people and relationships. We see it all the time. A couple arguing, moms and kids fighting, co-workers not agreeing on a new idea. The list could continue forever. Whether we like it or not problems will come up in our lives. The trick is how we overcome these problems and allow these difficulties to bring us closer to people instead of further away.

    In many families and friend groups these days we see these problems arise and so quickly people choose to give up. I personally am so curious as to why so many people give up on relationships nowadays. Long ago people needed each other to survive but in today's society it seems as if independence is more sought after than support and deep love. In reality, though people who work through difficulties and downfalls will come out stronger in the end. I like to compare this to lifting weights. 

    When increasing muscle and trying to reach personal records lifters need to push and give everything they can into every workout. A term that is used is repetition until failure. Meaning that you continue to lift something until you can not lift it at all. By doing this you push your muscles to the max but it is a great way to build muscles. Next time that lifter goes to lift their muscles will be even stronger ready to bear the weight they are lifting. This applies to relationships as well. Often times fights can be rough and typically lead to someone feeling hurt and alone. When this happens the trick is to not give up just as a weightlifter doesn't give up when they fail we can't just walk away from hard situations. Maybe take a little rest day and then go and have a conversation with your other half. 

    When we take the time to overcome our differences it allows us to be stronger in our relationships. We better understand our other half and we come back together in greater unity. The same happens in weightlifting. Our muscles are strengthened to overcome even more. 

    In today's society, we see people tearing each other apart instead of lifting others higher. I think this is so unfortunate, because if we were to choose to help one another more often I believe would could all experience greater happiness in joy. Not only as a society but also in our families.

    Families should be the center but as years go by it seems that family keeps getting pushed further to the side. It is our job to do our part in bringing families to the center of our lives. We were designed to have each other and to carry that love in all we do. Stay posted for more updates this Spring as I discuss the importance of families and how we can learn to overcome the tendencies of the world.

Catch ya next week!




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