I'm so glad when Daddy comes home!

 Fatherhood, what a noble calling in life. If I were a Dad I would find it to be such a privilege. Fathers make such a huge impact on their children from childhood to the adult years. As I have done some research I am amazed at just how many people are affected by their fathers or how they are negatively affected by the lack of a dad in their life. Studies have shown "...that children who grow up with absent-fathers can suffer lasting damage. They are more likely to end up in poverty or drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, have a child out of wedlock, or end up in prison" (Source 1).

Therefore we see that children without dads can live a harder life. Think of something you care greatly about. Whether it's a friend, a car, or a child. Now, think of what your life would be like without that. If you picked something that you cared a lot about, and it was to be gone from your life, there would be a hole in your heart. If that didn't quite do the trick for your imagination, try thinking of your dad and then imagine that he wasn't there. Even the thought of this makes me want to cry. However, there are so many children who grow up without a present father at home. Some children do not notice the difference in life without a father. Then, on the other side of things, you see those longing for a father.

As I have grown up I have noticed how some kids gravitate to men in essence trying to have a bond with someone who could be seen as a father figure. They quite literally cling to that person. I saw kids do it with my own dad. It breaks my heart to think about this. I was lucky to have a father who was involved in my life. He was always busy with many tasks for church, work, and community events. However, even when he was busy he would at least try to take us kids along to allow us to have some time with Dad. I have fond memories of my dad coaching me in sports and of random outdoor adventures. As I kid I learned the trick of getting dad's attention... Just ask him to do the things he likes to do. It worked like a charm and even to this day he and I still enjoy our outdoor adventures together. I am a daddy's girl and learned to have fun with him despite his busy schedule.

The rest of my siblings may not say they are as close to my dad as I am, but I knew my dad always loved each one of us. Some people just accept and receive love differently. It makes me so sad when people say their parents were awful. Even the worst of parents can still teach a child something. Typically in these scenarios, it is learning that you never want to be like them. In extreme cases, I understand why some people say they hate their parents. However, oftentimes parents are trying their hardest to do what is right for their children. In parenthood we will all make mistakes, no one is perfect. The point is, however, to be the best we can be each day. To learn, improve, and grow. Fathers can often take a bad rap because they are out of the house more trying to provide for the family. They do not have as much time to spend with the children. The coolest thing to be is when those busy fathers take the time out of their day to spend just a small amount of quality time with their children. That right there is true parent love.


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