Affiliate Marketing

 We've all heard the phrase "Become an Affiliate" on Instagram and other various social media platforms. Who would have thought 100 years ago that people would be making money by sharing links to products on the internet nonetheless! It is amazing how much growth there has been in shopping online. I am still a firm believer in the fun of going shopping at a mall or a store, but maybe that's because my life is boring as a student. 

    Back to affiliate marketing, in case you want a little run down on how it works; basically, you sign up with a company to be an affiliate for them. This means that you will promote their products. There are no upfront fees as well as there is no upfront commission. The way you make money is when people click on your link to buy a product.

    I recently signed up to be an affiliate through Amazon. The process to do so wasn't hard, however, in order to make money I will need to start advertising their products on my social media pages as well as I am hoping to create a website with all the best products I come across. 

My hope is that overtime I can become a better influencer and promote products to get some extra income for my family! 

Stay tuned for my new adventure!



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