Google Ads for the Win

It's amazing to me how we all have such unique thinking patterns. Someone may be talking about grass and referring to the green lawn, while someone else may be referring to the grass as the grass that is a drug. Of, course this would lead to confusion while others fully get it. Luckily I am not having conversations about drugs but about Google Ads. 

    Google Ads is a great way to promote business, however, you must understand what others will be looking for. It was another week of pretending to go inside my customer's brains to see what would intrigue them about my business. Wondering what headlines they would click on if they saw it. Let me tell you it is difficult to come up with different phrases for "Date Ideas"... However, I was able to find some good phrases that will hopefully lead people to my website!

    If any of you are planning to start a business I fully recommend using Google ads to promote it. They offer so many good videos and explain things in great detail!

 A few weeks ago in my class, I think I missed a step so I've now had to go back in and try to figure out exactly where I messed up. Luckily google has so many videos and I will be able to figure it out. But being confused is no fun in school assignments/projects. I am glad I caught the mess up early so that I can give myself the time to fix it thoroughly. 



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