
 As I near the end of the semester I am taken aback by how much I have learned about business, especially online business. I used to always think that starting a business was so simple. Let me tell you it is not simple! ...but it is not very hard either. Yes, there are many steps to having a successful business, but if you take it step by step you will eventually have a fully running business.

    Throughout this process, I would say that the hardest parts were with Google Ads, Analytics, and SEO. I did not know very much about any of them so I had to do more research and figure out the steps. Luckily because of the class I am taking it made it all so much easier. Plus, my professor was very good at explaining things in videos and in the assignments.

    This class has given me the knowledge I need to succeed on my own in creating my own business. I will probably wait until I have more time to continue moving forward, but at the moment I am excited to one day try again! 


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