
Tracking Statistics

       This week in my business class I was able to learn about the importance of tracking the information for my business. Through Google, there are so many possibilities to expand your business. A great tool is the ROI tracking information. It is able to see when and how long your users stay on your website. It can also potentially track what gender the user is as well. Through Google, you can also see what is going on at a certain point on your website. For instance, I chose to see the analytics for when customers put something in the cart. This then helps me to see what customers are interested in, even if they don't buy it.      This is key information because I can then change my business from what analytics I get back. If people are spending a short amount of time on my website and not buying anything I can then realize that I need a great hook to captivate the audience on what I am selling.     There are so many things that go into tracking a business and there are a lot of

The Art of Analysis

       This week I prepped my business by adding Google Analytics to my website. By doing this it is a way of tracking how long my customers spend on my website. It will help me to see what will be most intriguing to my customers in regard to what I am selling. Of course, to do this, it will come with a lot of trial and error to see what will work best but over time I hope to figure out what will drive more sales.     This type of analysis can also be compared with how we live our lives. We go day by day trying to figure out the most effective and efficient way to do things. Then, slowly over time, we are able to perfect those tasks and add them to our skills. We also can compare this to our efforts in trying to be a better person daily. It takes time to figure out who we want to be and how we can best help others. Over time as we help others we are able to create friendships. There are so many ways to analyze our lives but I'm looking forward to this new attempt at analyzing my bu

Google Ads for the Win

It's amazing to me how we all have such unique thinking patterns. Someone may be talking about grass and referring to the green lawn, while someone else may be referring to the grass as the grass that is a drug. Of, course this would lead to confusion while others fully get it. Luckily I am not having conversations about drugs but about Google Ads.      Google Ads is a great way to promote business, however, you must understand what others will be looking for. It was another week of pretending to go inside my customer's brains to see what would intrigue them about my business. Wondering what headlines they would click on if they saw it. Let me tell you it is difficult to come up with different phrases for "Date Ideas"... However, I was able to find some good phrases that will hopefully lead people to my website!     If any of you are planning to start a business I fully recommend using Google ads to promote it. They offer so many good videos and explain things in grea

Communication Skills

 Have you guys ever played Taboo? Well, this week I feel like I was playing Taboo but in the opposite way. So instead of trying to avoid the word you just come up with as many words as you can that are similar.      However, instead of a game, this was actually for company advertisement. It's something you do with Google Ads, and they call it keywords. I will be using it to attract more people to my website.      Google uses these things called keywords. You basically find words that people would normally type into Google and then select these as words to associate with your website/business. It's an interesting concept and a unique one too. It made me get creative in my ideas and word usage!     This helped remind me of the importance of communication in our lives. To have the best relationship we all need to have good communication skills. Those skills don't just have to be verbal either. They come in many ways but it's amazing how much a good conversation can do for

Dot those i's and cross those t's!

This week in my class we have been focusing on the legal, taxes, and business registration side of things. I truly never knew how much went into a business! I am really glad I am taking this class so I can be sure to dot my I's and cross my T's.  The good thing is that most of the registration needed to start a business is free in Idaho. Well of course that is if you are starting a small business. Like mine where I will register my Dating Business as a Sole Proprietor. This allows me to have legal protection and doesn't require too much extra work. If things go well in my business then I will move forward and become an LLC or something along those lines.  Starting a new business can be a scary endeavor because you really do not know what will come out of it. There are so many things that can go wrong. However, if things go right and you have properly set up your business then you could be in the market for great success. Everything in life takes some type of planning and wo


 This week I have been brainstorming ways to design my website, and let me tell you there are so many different layouts and designs! It's fun to see the uniqueness of each website and now it's just up to me to create a fun unique website too.  I have decided what I want to do for my business which is so exciting! For all you family lovers you know that any good way to keep a marriage is to go on dates! And any good way to prepare for a marriage is to go on dates as well! WELL...  I have decided to sell my dating ideas! My husband and I love to go on dates each week. I had so much fun planning them I decided why not give it a shot! So I will be selling dates in packs depending on the type of date/activity.  With all of this being said I will hopefully have my website up and running by the end of next week! This presents quite a few challenges but I am looking forward to creating my own layouts and designs to implement in my website!  Catch ya next week!

Building a Website ---> Building a Good Life

 If you have ever done any research on building a website you may have found like me a lot of options and ideas. I had no idea there were so many different ways to create a website. I also did not realize that it costs money to build a website either. This week I have been researching and narrowing down what website builder and host I want to choose. Pretty soon I will have my own website up and running! To relate this back to family life, there are so many things we could be doing with our lives. So many things trying to call attention to us. Some of these things are simply just distractions while there are others that are more worth our time and money. Just like the website searching had several options it's important in our day-to-day lives to prioritize what is most important. Let us work past those things in life that call our attention so loudly we forget to be present. For instance, Instagram, Cell Phone usage, and any other things that may distract you from being fully pres